Zinc Oxide
is In Your Paint
Paints are complex
mixtures of substances (pigments, resins/binders, solvents and additives). They
are applied on walls (indoor), facades (outdoor),
vehicles and furniture, among other purposes. Depending on the surface type,
e.g. concrete, bricks, stone, wood, metal or glass, they are developed to meet
particular requirements: decorative appearance; protection against radiation,
humidity/water, microorganisms; fire protection and thermal insulation. There
are water- and oil-based paints, which can have additional functionalities
depending on the necessities of the consumer. One of the most important ingredients
is Zinc Oxide. It Used primarily in primers and exterior
paints, Zinc Oxide Indonesia provides mildew resistance, corrosion
inhibition and stain blocking support.
Zinc Oxide Indonesia is the principal white
pigments commonly known as zinc white or Chinese white. Zinc oxide or more
commonly known in the art world as zinc white is one of the three white pigments
-- lead, titanium and zinc. It is stable toward light in the sense that it does
not discolor. Zinc Oxide Indonesia
paints tend to retain their
original whiteness during aging, not only in watercolor but to a great extent
in oil paint as well. Compared with other white pigments ground with oil, zinc
oxide often exhibits the least tendency to yellow. The pigment tends to react
with fatty acids present in drying oil, leading to the formation of zinc soaps.
A soap is a metal salt of an organic acid. The reactivity of zinc oxide is
affected by the particle size and morphology, with smaller particles being more
reactive. In the case of linseed oil, the formation of zinc soaps from zinc
oxide tends to harden the paint film.
A study by Mecklenburg and
Tumosa of the Smithsonian Institution shows that Zinc Oxide Indonesia can cause brittleness and
delamination of oil paint film even when zinc oxide is used in small amounts.
Zinc oxide has a tendency to catalyze the formation of hydrogen peroxide when
irradiated by near ultraviolet light. This reaction and the formation of zinc
soaps can cause chalking and embrittlement of oil paints films. In view of
these recent findings, we do not recommend the use zinc white in the ground or
underlayers of an oil painting and caution its use in all oil paint.
Zinc Oxide Indonesia absorbs a moderate
amount of oil. The oil absorption ratio varies considerably at least from
20-25%, depending on the particle size and shape. Certain manufacturing
procedures make it possible to produce pigment grades that demand less oil,
14-15% oil in paste.
There are some benefits of Zinc Oxide Indonesia , such asUV absorbing pigment,
toughens film, can improves water resistance, eutralizes harmful acids,
coatings formulated with zinc oxide Indonesia provides provide improved
biocidal, color retention and durability properties.
Label: Zinc Oxide is In Your Paint